Horticulture For Healing is now being supported by the beautiful Womyn centered We’moon community! We’Moon is a lunar calendar, a handbook in natural rhythms, and a collaboration of international women’s cultures. It is an astrological planner complete with moon signs and phases, filled with beautiful and inspiring art and writing by women for women from many lands. Horticulture For Healing has the honour of including the 2021 We’Moon datebook in our Plant Care Is Self Care Kits for women in residential treatment.
We’Moon’s artwork is strong, empowering, calming and beautiful. We’Moon’s support will give our sisters in non profit residential addiction treatment the joy, inspiration, and spirit of the moon. We’Moon’s calendars, books, and products coincide with what I stand for as the founder of Horticulture For Healing : through connecting to Earth as a way of life, women can begin to claim their inner beauty, value, and power. Every year Mother Tongue Ink (We’Moon) donates hundreds of We’Moon date books to women in prison and to social service organizations.

We’Moon is about womyn’s spirituality (spirit-reality). We’moon shares how we, ( all who identify as Womyn), live our truths, what inspires us, and our connection with the whole Earth and all our relations.”
We’Moon about page
Our Plant Care Is Self Care Kits will be distributed at Women’s non profit residential treatment centers, the virtual Horticultural and ecofeminism workshops will follow. We are currently working hard to assemble the kits. The following will be distributed to all women who participate in our workshops.
Nicely potted beginner’s plant, pot and tray
Zine booklet on plant care, ecofeminism, and self care
Spray bottle
Journal decorated with artwork created by self supporting female artists
Writing utensils
We’Moon datebook
Rose and lavender stress relief sachets Small herbal candy
Having plants in a living space and tending to them can quickly become a hobby and help establish a healthy routine that includes self care. No matter who we are or where we come from, from the smallest apartment to a huge sunroom, a plant makes a difference. Our Plant Care Is Self Care Kits will bring the healing benefits of plants and self love and care to women who are in an unfamiliar extremely uncomfortable time in their lives and haven’t practiced self care in a long time, if not ever.
Thank you We’moon For supporting Horticulture For Healing. We are truly grateful!