The Coalition of Immokalee Workers
Intersectional Feminism and why it matters
10 Tips for eco-friendly gardening (Thanks Danielle!)
https://www.ahta.org American Horticultural Therapy Association
Sam Killermann’s guide to gender
Comprehensive list of LGBTQ+ Vocabulary
NY Times article on Virtual Recovery during a Pandemic
https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/worry-and-panic/201505/petal-power-why-is-gardening-so-good-our-mental-health Mental Health and Gardening
https://www.chta.ca/ Canadian Horticultural Therapy Association
https://www.mind.org.uk/media/273470/ecotherapy.pdf Benefits of Eco Therapy
https://www.etsy.com/shop/TheEscapistArtist?ref=simple-shop-header-name&listing_id=744674165 Joile Ruin and Riot Grrrl Press. Feminist Zines and Art.
https://www.fnps.org Florida Native Plants Society
https://www.brit.co/why-self-care-is-a-political-tool/ Self care as an important political warrior tool
https://www.theguardian.com/books/2019/nov/02/smashing-the-patriarchy-why-theres-nothing-natural-about-male-supremacy up-to date informative article on smashing the patriarchy
https://www.flsteps.org Specialized Treatment, Education, and Prevention Services, Inc. (STEPS)
https://www.genderit.org/feminist-talk/politics-self-care-and-feminism The politics of Self Care and Feminism
https://www.historyisaweapon.com/defcon1/riotgrrrlmanifesto.html Riot Grrrl Manifesto
Helpful Vocabulary
Gender oppression is an effect of the social process of gender relations that institutionalize and reproduce certain norms of gender to privilege the dominant group and marginalize, exclude, or cause other harm to the oppressed group.
Racism: The unfair treatment of people of a particular race in a society especially to the benefit of people of another race and the belief that certain races of people are superior to others.
Transgender: a gender description for someone who has transitioned (or is transitioning) from living as one gender to another. 2 adj. : an umbrella term for anyone whose sex assigned at birth and gender identity do not correspond in the expected way (e.g., someone who was assigned male at birth, but does not identify with that gender.)
Intersex people: term for a combination of chromosomes, gonads, hormones, internal sex organs, and genitals that differs from the two expected patterns of male or female. Formerly known as hermaphrodite (or hermaphroditic), but these terms are now outdated and derogatory.
Non binary people: is used to describe people who feel their gender cannot be defined within the margins of gender binary. Instead, they understand their gender in a way that goes beyond simply identifying as either a man or woman.
Cisgender : a gender description for when someone’s sex assigned at birth and gender identity correspond in the expected way (e.g., someone who was assigned male at birth, and identifies as a man). The word cisgender can also be shortened to “cis.”
LGBTQ+: shorthand or umbrella terms for all folks who have a non-normative (or queer) gender or sexuality, there are many different initialisms people prefer. LGBTQ is Lesbian Gay Bi-sexual Transgender and Queer and/or Questioning (some-times a + at the end in an effort to be more inclu-sive)