Dear Horticulture For Healing-Loving Friends,
I’ve got some quick exciting updates for you:
1) We successfully delivered our second set of Plant Care Is Self Care Kits! A volunteer and I delivered 30 Care Kits to our new partner, Pace Marion, in Ocala the week of December 2nd! Coming up on the 16th of December I will be their quarterly guest speaker. Pace Center for Girls addresses the needs of girls and has garnered recognition nationally as one of the most effective programs in the country for keeping girls from entering the juvenile justice system. Pace is an all inclusive place for young trans women, trans girls, non binary individuals, young women, and girls. I will speak to 30 individuals ages 11-17 about the basics of claiming self care as a human right, feminism, and plant care and how this can ignite your inner fire and power as a girl/young woman.

2) Our next partnership, towards the end of December or early January, will be with Pace Immokalee. Also we have two more women’s centers I am currently communicating with for our near future collaboration. More information to come : )
3) In the November newsletter, I mentioned Horticulture For Healing’s plan to re-implement our original project at a center that is ready to have us build raised garden beds.I am working on fundraising plans, and well as searching for new grants to apply to. Horticulture For Healing received some generous donations this past month which are helping us climb towards our financial goal of $1,200 for two gardens. Since our last newsletter we have received enough to bring our financial goal for two gardens down to approximately $800! I am beyond grateful and thrilled for this! Financial contributions also go towards the current cost of individual care kits for our current and future partners, at $12.47 a piece.
With your continued support and contributions Horticulture For Healing is becoming more than I can possibly imagine. We are already reaching more individuals than I could have hoped for. This organization keeps changing and growing it seems by the week. As I write this newsletter I can hardly believe I am following my heart, walking through fear and self doubt to contribute to the betterment of all who embrace the feminine spirit so they can receive the resources needed to discover and claim their inner beauty, power, value, and space. I decided to take a big chance and pursue something that only a year ago was an idea. Now it is reality. I am feeling proud. Thank you for believing in me, as I continue to discover and claim my inner power and fire.
As always, thank you so much for taking time to read my work, again this wouldn’t be happening without you.
Okay, that’s all for now!
Joanna 🌙 🌿