Dear Horticulture For Healing-Loving Friends,
I’ve got some quick exciting updates for you:
1) Our *third* set of Plant Care Is Self Care Kits were delivered on December 23rd (just in time for full moon energy) to our new partner: a women’s residential substance use treatment center in Casselberry Florida. We will hold our first virtual workshop on January 12th with our recipients.
2) We have some new products for our Care Kits:
Bach’s Original Flower Remedy generously donated a case of rescue relief plus Lozenges
The Calm The Chaos daily self care reflection journal by Nicola Ries Taggart .
3) This past wednesday the 6th we held our 4th discussion workshop with 48 women all recipients of our Plant Care Is Self Care Kits at STEPS in Apopka Florida. I attend every two weeks for an evening discussion workshop on caring for our plants, and feminist thinking strategies for self care and health.
4) I published a new blog post for the month of January: My Journey Learning Gender Language For Social Advocacy (so far and subject to change 🙂) check it out : )
Up Next!
1) Participants really enjoy discussing Horticulture For Healing zines (mini magazines) so much that I decided to keep designing and publishing issues. Issue 4 is in the works now! We just discussed Issue 3 – A Self kindness and Confidence Boosting guide . Each issue is improving in content, style and design.
2) In the December newsletter I mentioned our next partnership with Pace Collier – Immokalee in South Florida. We will deliver 70 Plant Care Is Self Care Kits. With the help of our dedicated volunteers we are currently assembling the kits!! Along with new products we have new plant friends as well! (photos below):
Bird Nest Fern
Rabbit’s Foot Fern
Purple Passion Plant

Following delivery on the 19th of January, I will be in Pace’s Spirited Girls Science Class virtually once a month for a four month commitment. They will learn how to take care of their plant and track its growth (and our growth along with it).
Pace Center For Girls addresses the needs of girls and has garnered recognition nationally as one of the most effective programs in the country for keeping girls from entering the juvenile justice system. Pace is an all inclusive place for young trans women and girls, cisgender women and girls and non binary individuals.
Financial Goals!
In November and December I mentioned Horticulture For Healing’s plan to re-implement our original project at STEPS who are ready to have us build raised garden beds. Our total cost for materials including plants and soil is $1,200.
Since our December newsletter we received enough donations to bring our financial goal for two gardens at STEPS residential treatment center down to approximately $650.00!
Horticulture For Healing was invited to reapply to the January 2021See Beautiful grant award!! Updates on this will follow. We were awarded our first grant from their community in August 2020.
Appreciation !
I cannot wait to see what unfolds for us in the coming months and this new year. I am truly grateful to be receiving continued support and to have you on this journey.
Financial contributions will continue to go towards the cost of Plant Care Is Self Care Kits for current and upcoming partnerships, at the current cost of $22.26 a piece. Kit photo below.
Without your support I wouldn’t be able to successfully expand and grow this organization. We will soon be reaching our fifth women and girl’s center since September 2020!
As always, thank you so much for taking time to read my work. Please share this newsletter, any posts on our social media and website with anyone who you think may be interested. Spreading the word is important to our continued success.
Okay, that’s all for now!